Well okay then. Thank you all for your patience as we wait for the corner to quit teasing and finally turn.
Nothing too dramatic going on that I’m aware of, just a persistent inability to stay better long enough to pull many pieces of life into order.
Psyche game: Going in the space of a week from the strongest I’ve been in ages, measured in ability to kneel during the Eucharist, to the weakest I’ve been in ages, measured in . . . yikes. Wow. Had forgotten what it’s like to put the NO in No Energy.
Do wish I’d made a couple more of the phone calls on my long-overdue list before we returned to the oldie-but-goodie inability to hold a conversation without getting lightheaded thing. If that’s you, please text don’t call :-).
So. Short list of bullet points for today’s talk about evangelization.
#1 Actually yes, prayer is the most important part of your work as an evangelist. Everything else is an add-on. Technically it’s chapter 2 in the book, but that’s only because we needed some front matter. In real life, prayer is always the #1. FYI you can read a good portion of the chapter on prayer over at the Amazon preview, in case you needed a kick in the pants today.
#2 Have I mentioned how much I do not enjoy being the most important part of your evangelization effort?
I would much rather be off busy organizing things and doing stuff and accomplishing useful tasks. Heck, I’d be happy to just make uplifting, companionable phone calls. (Do not call me. NO! That was last week.)
But since I’ve been exquisitely enabled to fulfill that role for the moment, let’s do it. Comments are open, please tell me how to offer up my deeply annoying but otherwise probably-mild inconvenience.
What have you got going on today that could use some prayer? What are you looking at for the year ahead? Any discernment going on? Ministries that need a reboot? Difficult situations, maybe good ones or maybe terrible ones, but still quite difficult, that you’ve got to somehow thread your way through?
Put it in the comments. No need too small.
In addition to my own meager suffering, I know we have several extraordinary intercessors who are regulars here and will undertake to intercede for you.
#3 Here’s mine: Please pray for one of my favorite and dearest pro-life warriors ever, who is recovering from surgery today, and who has been dealing with jaw-dropping pain for an awful long time. Kid could use a break.
No picture today, but for some beautiful reading, go visit Melanie Bettinelli’s poetry blog Singing, each to each. She has some pictures to look at there, if you need one.
Aw Thanks for the mention and link, Jennifer!
Can you please pray for all my kids, but especially Ben. He's been struggling a lot in the past year and I think we may have pinpointed a physical culprit, but I'm not positive yet. Anyway, it's been a very long haul and I'm feeling very dispirited and tired and I could use a few wins. Thank you for your prayers. I will add your intentions to mine.
My husband and I are in a situation that could definitely use prayer. After being sick in the last two months more than we'd been in the previous five years, we discovered that we've got black mold. We've cleaned everything that's visible, but we're certain there's hidden mold that we can't get to. I'm a freelance SEO writer and I'm in my slow season while clients figure out their budgets and content calendars for the year, and work probably won't pick up again for at least another month (I'm the primary breadwinner). Until then, there's really nothing we can do.
I feel certain that the Lord has already set things in motion to provide a solution, and we just need to wait this out. In the meantime, we could use prayers for our health, that He'll strengthen our immune systems and protect us (and our pets) from the mold's effects, and for wisdom to recognize when the right solution presents itself and it's time to move.
Thank you. Praying for the OPs symptoms and for their pro-life warrior friend. 🙏