Prayer Request Thread
An intention from me, and an open combox so you can ask other readers to pray for you.
Of your charity please pray for my grandmother, who, I learned today, is quite close to death. Thank you so much! I’m going to make this an open combox so that anyone who has prayer requests can post them and the whole group can pray for your intentions.
For those wondering, I pray for subscribers in a general way (sometimes it’s just: Lord, you know what Anonymoux@protonmail needs . . . ), and in specifics if I know of any. Likewise I pray in the aggregate for the readership who aren’t subscribed (so I don’t have even a token of your presence) but you’re there and you matter. I’m grateful for every one of you.
If you’d like to introduce yourself and leave your prayer intentions, the combox should be open to everyone regardless of whether or how you subscribe. If you’re reading this in your e-mail and want to leave a prayer request for the whole gang, click through to the website to open the comments.
Have a blessed weekend, and I’ll put up a regular column here shortly.
Photo: This crucifix was my grandmother’s (the one you’re praying for today). She gave it to me some years ago when she was downsizing. It’s one of those nifty ones that comes apart and has the secret compartment for the holy water and candles, so you can set it all up on a bedside table when the priest comes for Last Rites. I would love it regardless, but secret compartments are next-level. Even if it is only a secret to people who’ve never had one of these.
Prayers for your grandmother and all who love her.
Prayers, pleas, for successful fundraising for Little Portion Hermitage— ( Whatever “successful” looks like in accord with God’s Will.)
Praying for your dear grandmother. What a blessing to have had her in your life for so many years!
Please pray for my attitude. I am on a trip I do not want to be on and I don’t want to ruin it for anyone else AND I don’t have the energy to pretend I want to be on this trip. So maybe also pray that I’ll have the energy to fake it.