Welcome to One Soul at a Time. My name is Jen, and I can get pretty darn opinionated. This is the Substack where we set aside all the many contentious topics Catholics love to argue about and just focus on our mission as evangelists.
If you want a deep dive into how we got here, this is my conversion story at The Coming Home Network:
I’m the author of three books on various aspects of evangelization and discipleship:
The How-To Book of Evangelization: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You (Our Sunday Visitor, 2020) This is an overview of how all the pieces of evangelization and discipleship fit together, designed to help you carry out your God-given mission as an ordinary Catholic who loves Jesus and wants others to discover God’s love for them.
Classroom Management for Catechists (Liguori, 2013) This is written for new and struggling catechists. It covers all the basics of putting together a successful class in a quick, readable 101 on life as a parish religious education volunteer.
Lord, You Know I Love You!: A Discernment Retreat Using the Great Commandment (Kindle-only, 2018 — Can be read on smartphones, tablets, and computers.) This is a reusable retreat book you can use on your own, with other partners in your ministry, or as a special event or discussion series for your parish. The goal is to assess the state of your spiritual life or your ministry now and thus to discern where God is leading you to focus your efforts for the season ahead.
This newsletter will explore the spirituality and the practical realities of evangelization and discipleship. Though I thoroughly enjoy debating highly charged topics, this is not that place. Here you can relax, let your defenses down, and just be a Catholic who wants to help people draw closer to Jesus Christ.
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Also, if you subscribe then I can pray for you by name.
My hope is that you’ll find One Soul at a Time encouraging, thought-provoking, and eminently practical. I endeavor to keep you fully stocked in discussion-starter topics for your Bible study, your ministry group, or your parish planning process, so a free subscription is perfect for those of you who don’t need one more online forum but are looking for tools to help carry out your vocation in whatever mission field God has given you.
For most readers, I strongly recommend starting with the free subscription.
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Requiring a paid subscription for the combox keeps the trolls down and takes the edge off my expenses. That said, I’ve set the monthly and annual subscription rates at the lowest prices Substack allows, and it is AOK with me if you want to go in with friends or colleagues to use a single login for multiple commenters — just tell us in your comment who’s doing the talking so we can keep you all straight.
Take a moment after you subscribe to introduce yourself to everyone the first time you comment. I’d love to get to know you.
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This is a special feature whereby Substack lets you throw a little extra in the coin jar. You can set the amount, just change the membership rate to whatever it is you’d like to tip. And thank you!
How else can you support this ministry?
Three big ways, none of which cost a cent:
Number one most important thing: Please pray for me. This really is what matters most. Trust me. I need all the prayer I can get.
If you read one of my books and found it helpful, please leave a review at Goodreads, Amazon, or your bookseller’s website.
Please share this newsletter with others who are passionate about evangelization and discipleship. Here’s the story on why the newsletter is called One Soul at a Time.
Thank you so much for your help. I’m thrilled you’re here. May God bless you in the work He has for you!
PS: Seriously. Being a free subscriber is 100% legit. No shade. No pressure. I’m delighted to have you along and immensely grateful for your support. Everything isn’t money, sheesh.