Dang! I am flattered beyond belief here! I appreciate the kind words, Jen. My hope is that as we emerge from the pandemic, a flustered and discouraged Church will take a deep Holy Spirit breath and say "WE CAN DO THIS." You've read the backgrounder, the rest of the book is the "how-to" for parish evangelization and discipleship planning that attempts to "shake it all out" into principles and categories. The first good news is that Jesus Christ is Lord! But the second good news is that to become an apostolic (evangelization-forward) parish actually is a first this, then that, then THAT process. Takes time, prayer, work, and some nerve, but it. is. doable.

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"Every new bishop should read this."--I need to see what the heck I said on pg 42!!!!! :D

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I think it was that excellent Joy of the Gospel quotation from Francis....

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What prompted that thought of mine was how you managed to draw together from authoritative sources a clear, concise explanation of the apostolic mission of parishes in a way that would be meaningful and accurately understood by clergy. Which is no mean feat :-).

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